How To Feel At Home
Searching for a house in 2019 meant confronting my lifelong alienation from this country. Buying one felt like betting on this country, and me.
Four years ago, I moved north from New York City to Bradford, VT. I’d taken a job at Dartmouth College, and I needed to travel back and forth from New York to wherever I was teaching writing less than I had been — working outside of New York to be able to afford your life in New York had become an untenable, unhappy-making proposition. So I took an apartment in Bradford while I searched and got to know the surrounding towns.
I soon found a dream house, a house that will most likely turn into a story one day, as I spent so much time imagining a life inside of it.
The real estate you find in Vermont is a mix of homes built sometime over the last 300 years that have either been well-maintained or not, either as vacation homes, or farm houses, or suburban homes, and there’s a little too much of that sort of bland new home with the architectural idiom of a Holiday Inn Express in Phoenix. But there’s also a certain kind of home you find with some regularity…